The article examines the problem of managing the development of human resources in modern conditions, in particular in the context of changes in the organizational environment and personnel requirements. The authors focus on the provision and analysis of key aspects of personnel management that affect the efficiency of the enterprises functioning in the field of IT. The authors have developed a methodology for building up a system of incentives based on taking into account the motivational features of work in order to improve the technology of managing the development of human resources at enterprises in the IT industry. The research used a number of methods, namely: the method of building a motivational profile – in order to identify common motivational types among employees; expert assessment – with the aim of identifying motivational features of work at IT enterprises; systematization – for improving the classification of methods of non-material incentives for employees. An infographic of the correspondence of stimulation methods to the motivational types of employees at IT enterprises was built, visualizing the results of the study. The practical significance of the infographic consists in simplifying the construction of the incentive system at IT enterprises by formalizing the process of determining the incentive methods in accordance with the motivational types of the employee and the specifics of labor activities in the IT field. Based on a methodology that is based on the typological model of labour motivation, the article builds a motivational profile of employees of IT companies and identifies common motivational types among the surveyed employees; identifies the inherent features of the identified motivational types and the corresponding recommended methods of stimulation for them. On the basis of expert evaluation, the motivational features of labour activity at IT enterprises have been allocated, which allowed to improve the classification of methods of non-material incentives for employees of IT enterprises. Classification groups are identified, incentive methods are detailed, and the nature of the impact on employees is described.
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