Keywords: development of innovative communities, elements of infrastructure and service methodology, Global Sustainable Development Goals, post-war reconstruction


In accordance with the war challenges of the country, the preservation and restoration of the destroyed infrastructure in the conditions of war, the question arises of finding innovative approaches and solutions from the sectors of power, science, business, etc., especially, to ensure the economic, social, and ecological well-being of the territories and communities of post-war reconstruction. The effective experience of restoring the country's infrastructure in Germany, Poland, Italy, the Baltic States, Japan, Finland, etc. is indicated within the scientific intelligence. as cases for forecasting the reconstruction of post-war Ukraine. The concept and importance of the formation of innovative communities as a key strategy for strengthening the economic potential at the level of territories and communities in the conditions of war are substantiated. The prerequisites for the development of the infrastructure and service methodology for the development of innovative communities based on the Global Sustainable Development Goals for the period up to 2023 in the context of economic, environmental, social and management levels have been analyzed. Successful examples of the functioning and cooperation of innovative communities in the sector of science, business, and government in the conditions of war in Ukraine are presented, including as a form of involvement of international partners and key domestic stakeholders (USAID "Competitive Economy of Ukraine", Ukrainian Startup Fund, Startup Grind Kyiv and Western NIS Enterprise Fund, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Innovation Bridge Europe, etc.) to cooperate in projects during the war. It has been established that the development of the methodology for the development of innovative communities will be more effective taking into account the positive practices of the recovery of countries that suffered significant destruction during the period of natural disasters and the Second World War through the creation of a structure responsible for fixing the destruction and reconstruction, investing in the future, attracting international resources, and retraining the population , financial discipline, focus on education, rejection of corruption, European integration, etc. At the same time, doubts were expressed about the effectiveness of the approved goals of sustainable development for Ukraine in the conditions of war, which were developed before the full-scale invasion, which led to a change in the priority of overcoming the necessary challenges at the level of territories and communities.


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