Keywords: economic behavior, household, economic behavior of households, structure, component, financial behavior of households


Households in current realities play a key role in virtually all the most important processes from the point of view of ensuring the country’s economic development. These entities consume goods and services, form labor supply, pay taxes, are the main consumers of financial services. Undoubtedly, the study of households as economic entities consists, first of all, in researching the features of their models of economic behavior, which is formed due to economic relations of these agents with other economic entities. In fact, the model of such behavior is a multi-structured system that reflects the results of the household behavior in certain areas of the economic activity. The purpose of the article is to determine and justify the content of individual components of the economic behavior model of households. In the article, the structure of the economic behavior of households, which is implemented through the analysis of the main economic categories that determine the content of the outlined type of behavior (behavior, economic activity, household, economic behavior) is examined. Considerable attention is paid to describing the essence of the economic behavior and, taking into account the results obtained, determining the content of the economic behavior of households. In particular, the outlined type of behavior is proposed to be considered as a set of actions of individuals carried out by them in the joint economic activity, namely the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption to achieve their economic goals and meet economic needs of such individuals. In the article, the economic behavior structure of households is considered in detail, scientific approaches for substantiation of its different types by scientists are analyzed. The following components of the economic behavior of households are singled out, namely: income, consumer, entrepreneurial, labor, charitable, innovative and financial. Within the framework of the financial behavior of households, the following types are distinguished: tax, investment, insurance, deposit, credit, payment and saving behavior.


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