Keywords: territorial marketing, brand management, brand project, tourist destination, competitiveness of the territory


The article is devoted to the problems of finding and substantiating new ways of using the potential of land resources of territorial communities of Southern Ukraine, consolidation of factors that determine the development of places outside urban areas and are areas of agricultural production and rural development. The issues of arranging destinations and territories attractive for visitors due to the availability of tourist resources and increasing their competitiveness are becoming especially important. The publication reveals the issue of creating and implementing a brand of the territory as a tool for identifying and developing a competitive identity. The necessity of studying the peculiarities of territorial brand management from the standpoint of strategic management of economic transformation processes in rural communities is substantiated. As a result of cooperation of the management of the Prysyva united territorial community and scientists of the International classical university (Nikolaev) the "Program of marketing actions" as a component of "Strategy of development of a community till 2026" was developed. The purpose of the "Program" was to create a marketing base for competition, business environment, tourist attractiveness of the destination and its branding, creating new jobs to improve living standards and increase local budget revenues.The methodological basis, content and sequence of stages of the brand project were developed, the features of the territory that were used as elements of the brand and the unique reflection of the object in the minds of visitors were identified. The project used image marketing tools to develop and use brand positioning and promotion strategies in the markets of tourism and health and recreation services. In accordance with the developed set of measures, an advertising and information campaign was launched with an emphasis on the ecological purity of the area and the healing properties of Siva hypersaline water and mud. Work has been started on the improvement of the territories adjacent to Sivash, construction of infrastructure facilities, and a number of agreements with tour operators. The project was presented at the tourist forum where a thematic tour with elements of dramatization was held. The first year of the project confirmed the effectiveness of the developed and implemented tools – the number of visitors in 2021 increased from 10-15 to 75 thousand annually.


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