Keywords: working time, unproductive time expenditure, loss of working time, downtime, study of working time costs, non-standard forms of employment


The article considers the importance of rational use and effective management of working time in modern conditions. Time is a unique resource that does not recover and does not accumulate, it must be used wisely to obtain certain values. At the same time, it is an important competitive factor, so the level and quality of working time needs systematic research. The article presents methods for studying the cost of working time, provides indicators of the use of working time for certain types of economic activity, identifies and summarizes the main causes of losses and irrational costs of working time. It is noted that all-day loss of working time is determined by comparing the actual time worked and the normative fund of time, and internal - by conducting special studies. Downtime (loss of working time) may depend on the contractors themselves, the employer and arise from other circumstances that do not depend on the direct subjects of labor relations. In the conditions of digitalization of the economy, intensification of competition and transformation of classical labor relations, the role of personal labor planning as a component of rational use of labor and working time in particular is growing. The article considers non-standard forms of employment that are gaining popularity in modern conditions, namely: flexible working hours, part-time employment, remote employment, homework, outstaffing and more. Reducing or eliminating the loss of working time is a reserve for increasing productivity, production, profitability, which does not require significant costs or additional investment, so in conditions of limited financial resources becomes a priority for businesses. According to the results of the study, the areas of reducing losses and irrational costs of working time were identified, including: providing the production process with all necessary resources, optimizing workplace planning and maintenance, streamlining the division and cooperation of labor in individual departments and organizations as a whole. advanced techniques and methods of work, improving the quality of labor rationing and the level of validity of norms, the use of an effective motivational system at the enterprise.


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