The urgency of considering the balanced scorecard as a method of strategic management accounting has been substantiated. The factors influencing the choice of methods of strategic management accounting of a particular enterprise have been highlighted (specific features of economic activity of the enterprise; specific features of the strategic management system of the enterprise; availability of free financial resources to build an information system of strategic management accounting of the enterprise; management and accounting traditions). The approaches of Ukrainian scientists to the choice of methods of strategic management accounting have been analyzed. The advantages of the balanced scorecard in comparison with other methods of strategic management accounting have been considered. The essence of the balanced scorecard as a method of strategic management accounting and the goal of each of its perspectives have been revealed. Proposals for the development of a balanced scorecard as a method of strategic management accounting in the research of Ukrainian scientists have been analyzed. The influence of the balanced scorecard system implementation on the transformation of system of information provision of strategic management of the enterprise in the context of the four basic directions has been analyzed (clarifying the vision and translating it into strategy; establishing communications and communication; implementation of planning and goal setting; establishing strategic feedback). The procedure for constructing strategic maps of different levels in a balanced scorecard has been considered. The reasons for the possibility of understanding the balanced scorecard as a method of strategic management accounting have been determined (strategic orientation, external orientation, future orientation, application of financial and non-financial indicators). A balanced system of indicators is considered as a new method of strategic management accounting, using a process approach to understanding the enterprise, providing an integrated approach to strategic and financial analysis, providing a comprehensive analysis of the enterprise (internal and external environment). The main ways of development of engineering bases of construction of system of strategic financial accounting are allocated and analyzed.
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