This article reveals the essence of financial and economic activity of agribusiness according to international standards. The activity of small enterprises, which produce 60-80% of GDP and employ about 70% of the working population, are the main producers in many countries, and it is proved that small business contributes to a fair competitive market by producing a wide range of high quality goods and services. Its importance in the agricultural sector requires the attention of public authorities, as well as scientific and public organizations. According to the financial and economic analysis, it is proved that small farms must be provided with the necessary socio-economic conditions for commodity production. Thus, small businesses need to create dairy farms in the livestock sector, and their activities must meet the requirements of European standards, comply with environmental standards and safety of dairy consumption. Despite the fact that the share of households was 76% of all categories of farms in total milk production, its production requires capital investment in Ukraine. Cooperation is an important way to increase the efficiency of small farms. Service cooperatives can organize the sale and processing of products, provide the farm with feed, equipment and advanced technologies, which will help increase the productivity and economic efficiency of each member of the service cooperative. As a result of the study, it was found that in terms of efficiency and quality, large agricultural enterprises are of great importance in milk production. However, public policy should promote milk production in households and small farms, as they concentrate almost 76% of milk production. Based on the study, we can conclude that currently the problem of the economy is to provide competitive and high-quality marketable dairy products and obtain a large amount of raw milk, and for this it is necessary to keep highly productive breeds of animals, introduce high-performance equipment and new production technologies. milk and quality control of raw milk at all stages of its production and sale to dairy enterprises. It is not possible for households and small farms to carry out these measures on their own. This is possible through the cooperation of small businesses, which will promote the production of quality dairy products, increase productivity and economic efficiency of each member of the cooperative, as well as government support.
2. Ukrainian Agriculture in 2018: Statistics Bulletin / Ukrainian National Statistics Office: ed. N.S. Vlasenko. Kyiv, 2019. 400 p.
3. Law of Ukraine «On milk and milk products» of 24.06.2004, № 1870-IV. Available at:
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6. Official web-site of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine: Available at:
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