Keywords: statistical analysis, data analysis, price of milk, price behaviour, mean price, dispersion


The article defines that the market of milk and dairy products is a component of the food market of Ukraine. The relevance of the statistical study of milk prices is that the price is an important component of the market and determines the supply and demand in it. Prices provide sources of income and payment of taxes, and pricing policy determines the efficiency of dairy producers. Prices are also an important factor in living standards, so their study is not only economic but also social and political. Analysis of previous studies has shown that most authors focus on economic analysis, and statistical studies of milk prices are few. Therefore, the topic is relevant. The article provides a statistical and economic analysis of purchase prices for milk, producer prices and retail prices. Indicators of average prices are determined. The dynamics of milk prices for a certain date in each month of 2020 is presented. Calculated indicators of variation: absolute deviation, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, variance. The study took into account data taken in the dynamics for a certain period, as well as milk prices in terms of individual regions and countries. The article presents the procedure for calculating all indicators and draws the appropriate conclusions. The study also conducted a dynamic and variational analysis of retail milk prices. The average retail price of milk is determined taking into account the average monthly prices and their variations. The forecast of average retail prices for pasteurized milk with a fat content of 2.6% and the dynamics of prices and milk from agricultural enterprises. A polynomial line of degree 5 is used to construct the trend line, all coefficients of this level are statistically significant. Seasonal tendencies to change of prices during the year, and tendencies of change of prices in dynamics for the ten-year period are revealed. The study was supplemented by an analysis of the correlation between the purchase prices of raw milk and the selling prices of producers of finished products. Relevant economic and statistical conclusions have been made regarding the conducted price study.


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