Keywords: personnel policy, human resources potential, enterprise personnel, Personnel Management, labor activity, personnel development, agricultural sector of the economy


The article is devoted to the study of the features, as well as the establishment and analysis of factors for the formation and implementation of an effective personnel policy of enterprises, including the agricultural sector of the economy. The parameters that affect the effectiveness of the company's personnel policy are defined. The basic principles of personnel policy implementation are summarized and expanded. It is established that the implementation of the personnel policy of the enterprise and the achievement of maximum use of its human resources potential should be based on the creation of equal employment opportunities and career growth of employees. It is proved that the personnel policy of an enterprise is formed under the influence of the external environment, namely socio-political, demographic and socio-economic processes, while adapting through the prism of strategic goals and objectives into a unique management model for each individual business entity, the main purpose of which is to maximize the full disclosure and use of its own personnel potential. A set of strategic tasks is outlined that should ensure the constant preservation of the numerical and qualitative composition of employees through its periodic restoration and maximum use of human resources in order to constantly improve the efficiency of personnel work. Various approaches to the interpretation of the content of the concept of «personnel policy» are studied and generalized. The industry features of enterprises operating in the agricultural sector of the national economy are established and cause specific problems in creating a model of personnel policy. It is established that the effectiveness of the personnel policy of agricultural enterprises depends not only on the chosen corporate governance model, which is based on a system of strategic goals and objectives, but is also directly influenced by a complex of factors specific to this sphere of the economy. It is noted that the personnel policy should be formalized as much as possible and clearly, while at the same time remaining flexible and open to continuous improvement. It is noted that when forming and actually implementing the personnel policy, it is important for an enterprise to achieve a certain balance of interests of interested parties – the enterprise itself and its employees.


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