The relevance of the topic of the study is due to the fact that the availability of potential collateral and an objective assessment of their value is the financial and legal basis for attracting mortgage resources in the agricultural sphere. The article highlights the indicators of mortgage potential assessment. The analysis of agricultural land resources through the prism of land ownership and land use has been carried out. Agricultural land was grouped to determine their value. The normative value of agricultural land has been analyzed and the factors affecting it have been identified. The value of mortgage potential of agricultural lands was calculated according to the normative monetary valuation. The probable market value of agricultural land is calculated as the value of the mortgage component of the resource potential of mortgage lending by the method of income capitalization. The key factors of influence on the formation of the value of agricultural lands have been determined: factors of natural influence, the system of indicators of which determines the conditions of development of the agricultural industry in a given locality; direction of management, type of land use, form of agricultural production; affiliation of agricultural land to a particular species: hayfields, arable land, pastures, fallow lands, perennial crops; quality characteristics of soils, which determine the yield and productivity of agricultural land; specialization and structuring of acreage, optimization of crop rotation systems of the main types of commodity crops; remoteness from agricultural raw materials processing centers and commodity markets; availability of service infrastructure, centers of technical support for agricultural production; the level of prices for fuel and lubricants, fertilizers, feed, agricultural machinery; the level of population density in the region, socio-demographic status, employment and wages. A task has been identified that will enable the objective assessment of mortgage potential to be resolved: identification of potential volumes of land resources that may serve as collateral in mortgage lending; determining the estimated value of the land offered as a potential collateral; estimation of the estimated volumes of credit resources attracted by agrarian subjects through the mortgage lending system; identify the directions and reserves of expanding mortgage lending potential.
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