Keywords: fundamental and stakeholder value added, model, invested capital, valuation, assets, liabilities, debts, supply, equity, interest debt


The article deals with the issue of valuation of the invested capital in the model of the fundamental and stakeholder value added of enterprises. Research rationale is stipulated by the great influence of the invested capital on the value of the fundamental and stakeholder value added as a new manageable value in the system of enterprise value-based management. Approaches to determining the value of the invested capital in valuation standards and scientific literature are considered. The problems of estimation of the invested capital are described. The methods of calculating the amount of the invested capital based on the assets and liabilities of the enterprise are analyzed. The composition of the assets of the enterprise involved in the process of determining the amount of the invested capital is described. The essential characteristics of the invested capital in the model of the fundamental and stakeholder value added of enterprises are revealed. There are given reasons for using the formula of calculation of the value of the invested capital taking into account its essential characteristics in the model of the fundamental and stakeholder value added of enterprises. There is described the economic content of the formula for determining the value of the invested capital in the model of the fundamental and stakeholder value added of enterprises. The time aspect in valuating the invested capital is researched. There are given reasons for the necessity of valuation of the invested capital in the model of the fundamental and stakeholder value added based on the balance sheet data of the enterprise for the period under research. The method of valuation of the invested capital in the model of fundamental and stakeholder value added based on the assets of the enterprise is offered. The composition and characteristics of liabilities and supply that are deducted from the assets of the enterprise while determining the value of the invested capital in the model of the fundamental and stakeholder value added are determined.


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