The article deals with the main forms and features of modern cooperative relations in the marketing sphere of companies. The analysis of theoretical and methodological foundations of competitive cooperation is carried out, the views on the essence and characteristics of co-operation and co-marketing as a way of avoiding destructive competition, general activities aimed at finding new markets and expanding existing ones instead of endless struggles for consumers are summarized. It has been established that co-marketing is an effective tool designed to realize the interests of actors through their interaction and the creation of a new system that provides opportunities for expanding the spectrum of competitive advantages at the expense of synergy effect. The main forms of modern co-marketing are considered, the main directions of future research are determined: the analysis of the state of development of relations, cooperation and co-marketing in the domestic economy and the preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of new forms of cooperation. The issues of improving cooperation processes are considered as priorities for the development of management strategies throughout the time interval. The value of the research for the theory is to expand the well-known knowledge about the competitive methodological foundations of cooperation of competitors in the marketing sphere and the growing strategic importance of interaction between companies.
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