• Maryna Kharchenko
  • Abdurakhim Tursunov
Keywords: airport, expenses, logistics, logistic expenses, management, stream-oriented processes, demand, cost, pricing, efficiency


The article is devoted to the study of logistics costs of airports. During the study, the concept of "logistics costs" was clarified, the essence of logistics flows was revealed and the dependence of their behavior on the activity of the airport as a structural unit of the country's aviation industry, which ensures the realization on the needs of the industries and the population in air transportation, was studied. It has been established that managing airport costs is one of the main functions of the management process. The peculiarities of the influence of the intensity of the material flow on the character of the logistics costs of the airport are revealed. The definition of the airport logistics costs as the total amount of monetary expression of the used airport resources for the implementation of logistics operations during the maintenance of integrated flows (passenger, luggage, cargo, information, service, financial), transaction costs for the airport interaction with other participants in the commodity movement in global supply networks, maintenance and development costs of airport logistics infrastructure (investments) and monetary valuation of losses and losses due to failure to provide or provision in violation of the rules of services inside the airport, and in interactions with customers and suppliers, are specified. The airport cost management scheme is outlined based on the concept of global logistics costs and the main methods of creating competitive advantages based on cost management are outlined: the method of managing the target price, the method of constant reduction of expenses, the methods of full and in complete expenses. It is determined that the given methods approach the best for stabilization on indicators of airport logistics costs. It has come to the conclusion that the development of airport logistics flows requires the synchronization of the movement of raw materials, materials and components with their suppliers. The airport logistics management system is proposed, which connects flows, processes and logistic costs depending on the chosen strategy of airport clients service, which allows to determine the impact on the dynamics of total operating expenses and their reduction by eliminating unproductive losses, as well as to increase the profitability of production airport activities. To do this, it is necessary to analyze, develop and implement new approaches to managing logistics costs at air ports through flow management.


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