• Viktoriia Karmazinova
  • Maryna Kotova
Keywords: brand management, brand, brand positioning, e-commerce, online market


In modern conditions of economic development and thanks to the continuous process of creation and introduction of the latest information technologies, modern trade received a new direction of development electronic commerce. E-commerce is one of the most dynamic industries in Ukraine and the world as a whole. The rapid growth of revenue streams from on-line sales, shows the results of activity from e-commerce to the position of some of the main factors affecting the formation of the country's economy. In the trade sphere, more and more enterprises of the usual format enter the electronic market. The problematic of this topic is the lack of theoretical foundations that will serve as the foundation for the practical activity of e-commerce enterprises in the direction of brand formation and development. The complexity is related to the specifics of the industry and its technological support. The analysis of the conducted researches and the received data allows distinguishing the problems influencing processes of creation and development of brands of on-line markets. The article is devoted to the problems of using brand management tools in electronic commerce. The basic concepts and elements of electronic commerce and branding are investigated. The conceptual apparatus of e-commerce and brand management is disclosed, which ensures consistency in their interpretation. The processes of creation, formation, maintenance and development of e-commerce brands are considered. It is substantiated that the choice of positioning brands of e-commerce representatives is the main fundamental element in ensuring the competitiveness of the largest Ukrainian marketplaces. The main advantages and features of brand management at the present stage of development of electronic commerce are highlighted.


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