• Olena Krivoruchko
Keywords: transport system, transport infrastructure, competitiveness, transport factor, transport communications


The article deals with definitions of terms "transport system" and "transport infrastructure". It has been determined, that transport is a specific communication infrastructure field of material production and service sectors, which ensures people and households requirement for all types of transportation. The main components of the transport infrastructure are analyzed. The principles of the transport system management of Ukraine are considered. The list of necessary conditions for effective functioning of a uniform transport system is provided. The article specifies that transport infrastructure should be considered as a target-oriented subsystem of the transport system, the components of which are: transport communications (transport network, including all types of routes); facilities for servicing freight (cargo stations, terminals, etc.) and passenger transportation (stations, stations, ports, airports, objects of road service); maintenance and repair facilities that provide the necessary conditions for the provision of services for the movement of goods and passengers; public and private institutions and business entities operating in the field of transport infrastructure; system for managing the development of transport infrastructure (public administration bodies and their competence in making appropriate decisions). It is claimed that based on the systematic approach, the country's transport system can be determined as a stable target-oriented set of interacting, regardless of ownership and departmental affiliation, type of transport; public, sectoral, local authorities, transport enterprises and personnel, lines of communication and vehicles, which meet people’s and economic actrors’ needs in passenger and freight transportation. The article specifies that global factors, such as the state, trends, dynamics and structure of the development of world trade in goods, in accordance with which demand and this or that traffic flow are formed on the world, are also influenced by the development of certain types of transport, along with the internal infrastructure and regional factors. markets and, consequently, the demand for transport services by certain
types of transport is determined.


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