• Dmitry Artemenko
Keywords: agriculture, state, region, agro cluster, strategy, innovation, system, information


The article is devoted to the research of problems of agrarian cluster development in Ukraine. The analysis of existing approaches to the organization of clusters is carried out, the following are singled out: reproductive-branch, territorial-structural and innovative approaches; the formation of a competitive agricultural cluster at the regional and interregional levels on the innovative approach was recommended. The analysis of clusterization processes shows that the vast majority of regions of Ukraine create clusters for the implementation of strategic tasks of development of agro-industrial complex (9 regions); not all regions actively use the possibilities of cluster models and do not implement them, which exacerbate disproportions in the economic development of the state. In order to increase the competitiveness of agricultural products on the basis of the cluster approach, the scheme of step-by-step development of the strategy of socio-economic development, methodical principles of formation of the strategy of cluster construction, the stages of organization of the cluster creation. The introduction of the proposed methodological principles for building a cluster development strategy in the regions will help to accelerate the processes of cluster creation in Ukraine and the formation of competitive advantages at the level of individual enterprises, which will increase the competitiveness of both regions and the state as a whole. The necessity of creating a legal nonprofit structure in the form of the Agrarian Cluster Coordination Council is proved, which will unite the cluster's partners, regulate the relationship between them and determine the level of their involvement in the cluster. The importance of introducing a cluster strategy for the formation of an effective information system necessary for all cluster partners is substantiated: it is defined as the main condition for effective functioning of the information creation system based on computer networks and modern digital cloud technologies of the information space, which will facilitate the exchange of operational information of all partners of agrarian clusters and their stakeholders.


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