The article is devoted to the development of the economic-and-mathematical model of the integrated estimation of enterprise’s divisions’ influence on manufactured products quality. The need to ensure the proper level of product quality leads to the necessity of establish an effective quality management system at enterprises, an important component of which is the system of the personnel motivation for quality products production. Effective personnel motivation, in turn, need an estimation of the influence of the enterprise’s separated divisions on the manufactured products quality in order to take into account this influence for determining the overall indicators of these divisions, which requires an objective and transparent methodology for such an estimation. The necessity of the influence estimation of enterprise’ divisions on the manufactured products quality determines the relevance of the development of appropriate economic-and-mathematical models. However, the existing methods of calculating the division's contribution to the formation of a set of quality parameters of products, which manufactured at the enterprise in the reporting period, do not take into account the possible different level of significance of the quality parameters of certain types of products for the final economic indicators of the enterprise. This problem can be solved by applying the proposed matrix economic-and-mathematical model. The proposed improved matrix economic-and-mathematical model allows to carry out an integrated estimation of the contributions of separated divisions in the formation of the properties’ parameters of the products, which produced during the reporting period, taking into account the levels of significance of certain quality parameters and the importance of certain types of products for the final economic indicators of the enterprise’s activities as a whole. The results of such an estimation can be used to provide personnel motivation to produce quality products in the total quality management system at the enterprise.
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