• Olha Haidarzhyiska
  • Tetiana Shchepina
  • Alina Biloblovska
Keywords: method, methodical method, financial discipline, educational process, education system, motivation


The article is devoted to the study of the value of a specific approach to the study of financial disciplines in higher education institutions. It also substantiates the necessity of its existence. The methodology and basic principles of teaching financial disciplines are considered, taking into account the involvement of Ukrainian specialists in European integration processes, the general globalization of economic processes and other modern factors and contributing to a high level of theoretical accountability, qualitative acquisition of practical skills in the field, as well as the development of such personal qualities as speed and flexibility of thinking, adaptability, business etiquette. The analysis of the dynamics of the level of monthly wages of employees of different industries and number of educational institutions of ІІІ-ІV accreditation levels in Ukraine during 2014-2018 has been carried out, as a result of which concrete trends of the education sector have been identified. The system of methods of teaching them is formed. It has been established that the choice of the optimal method of teaching financial discipline should be carried out directly by the teacher, taking into account the scale of the audience, the number of students, the purpose of the class, subjects, etc. However, the most popular method of teaching financial disciplines today is lecture classes. The necessity to use a number of innovative technologies in the educational process is facilitated, which facilitates the teaching of financial disciplines and allows the use of such techniques as visual support for lectures, payments by means of MS Excel, on-line student counseling, distribution of lecture materials and homework using e-mail, the use of programs designed to test students in order to determine their level of theoretical knowledge, the introduction of licensed program products to solve situational problems. The mechanism of the system of financial and economic education is gradually structured. The results of the questionnaires of teachers concerning the choice of a certain method of teaching were presented, which allowed to establish the high quality of the provided educational services and a responsible attitude to the work performed by the teachers.


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