Terms of publication

Scientific articles must contain the following essential elements:
– problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
– analysis of recent researches and publications, in which the solution to this problem was initiated and the author is based on; allocation of previously unsettled parts of the general problem, to which the said article is devoted;
– formulation of goals of the article (task setting);
– the main research material with the full justification of the scientific results obtained;
– conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this direction.

Technical requirements:

- the volume of the article – from 10 to 20 pages, page setting А-4, made in Microsoft Word.
- text font – Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing 1,5; all margins – 20 mm.
- if the article includes tables and/or figures, they should be compact, titled, text font – Times New Roman, size 12. Mathematical formulas should be thoroughly checked and clearly printed. The number of tables, formulas, and illustrations should be minimal and relevant. Figures and tables on album pages are not accepted.
- references to sources should be made in square brackets in the text, indicating the page numbers of the source: for example, [3, p. 234] or [2, p. 35; 8, p. 234];
- list of references must be placed at the end of the article in order of appearance of relevant citations in the text according to current standards of bibliographical description;
- the article should include abstracts and keywords in Ukrainian and English languages, English translation of the article’s title; the abstract’s volume – at least 10 sentences, number of keywords – at least 5 words.

Language of publications: Ukrainian, English.

• For the journal, articles of doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences, young scientists (postgraduate students, degree-seeking applicants, students), as well as other persons with higher education who are engaged in scientific activities, are accepted.
• The authors submit articles that are exclusively their original research in accordance with the rules of citation and references. The submission of knowingly false information or plagiarism is unacceptable and unethical. In addition, only articles that have not been published in other journals are accepted for publication.
• The Editorial Board reserves the right to review, edit, abbreviate, and reject articles.
• The author is responsible for the truthfulness of facts, statistics, and other information.
• Reprinting (re-publishing) of materials of the publication is allowed only with the permission of the author and the Editorial Board.