• Viktoriia Borshch
  • Karyna Pogosyan
Keywords: intellectualization, intellectual capital, intellectual resources, intellectualization of labour activity, intellectualization of labour


The purpose of the paper is to form the theoretical basis for labour activity’s intellectualization and to determine the features of the labour activity’s intellectualization at the frameworks of the national economics. Nowadays the issue of becoming and development knowledge economy is urgent one. Highly developed countries are oriented towards the formation, development and use of intellectual labour as the key element as the world economy’s development, Ukraine is not an exception. The development of the labour activity’s intellectualization process influences increasing competitiveness of the national economy, generally, and also competitiveness of organization, enterprise and employee, particularly. Theoretical basis of intellectualization of labour activity is viewed. There are defined such categories as intellectualization, intellectualization of labour activity and intellectualization of labour. The structure of the intellectualization process is proposed by authors, the main components of which are innovative capital, intellectual resources, physical capital, organizational intelligence and intellectual capital. The main features of the labour activity’s intellectualization process are defined. Special attention is paid to the intellectual capital in the frameworks of labour activity’s intellectualization. The process of knowledge acquisition and achievement of professional competencies is the central during the whole professional activity. Measures of the professional competencies development by the staff are proposed by the authors. In the paper it is proved the necessity of the intellectualization process as the specific competitive advantage of the modern enterprise in the fast-changing environment. An important role  of the enterprise’s and individual intellectualization is stated by the authors. The results of this study form the theoretical and methodological basis for practical improvement of the managerial activity of the enterprises from the different economic branches. The intellectualization process should become the integral part of the modern enterprise, which, in its turn, adopts features of self-learning organization.


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