Keywords: economic and mathematical methods and models, logistics, optimisation, forecasting, management, transport, supply chains


The relevance of structuring economic and mathematical models in logistics lies in the need for systematic information about mathematical methods and models with examples of their application in logistics to facilitate the selection of optimal approaches to managing logistics business processes in practice. Modern logistics faces many challenges, including the efficient allocation of financial resources, cost reduction, and increased staff productivity, which requires mathematical tools to make informed decisions. Due to rapidly changing market conditions and increasing demands of logistics business customers, as well as economic instability, entrepreneurs and companies are forced to adapt their logistics strategies using integrated approaches to big data analysis. The purpose of the study is a theoretical analysis of economic and mathematical models used in logistics, their typology and classification, examples of application, and an assessment of the possibilities of using them to improve and optimise logistics business processes. The methodology of the study is based on the use of economic and mathematical modelling methods to formalise business processes in logistics, methods of analysis and synthesis to study the use of mathematical models in logistics and their application, and methods of generalisation and systematisation to structure these models and build their classification table. The scientific novelty and results consist in the original classification of economic and mathematical methods and models in logistics, which allows to quickly identify appropriate tools for solving specific practical problems that arise in the logistics business and provides a better understanding of the relationship between different methods, models and their application in practice. The considered models cover a wide range of directions and tasks in logistics, from the optimisation of operations of transport hubs to designing the supply chains. The usage of mathematical models allows to make reasoned decisions focused on increasing the efficiency of the logistics operations, reducing the costs and improving the level of customer service.


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