The main challenge lies in designing mechanisms that assess not only formal attributes such as education and experience but also subjective factors, including motivation, creativity, and team work skills. The goal of the study is to develop a decision-making algorithm based on ANN for automating the evaluation process of potential candidates. By considering both qualitative and quantitative criteria, such as education, work experience, leadership, and adaptability, the proposed algorithm enhances objectivity and precision in forming optimal project teams. There search outlines a step-by-step methodology for implementing the ANN model. Initially, 19 evaluation criteria were identified, grouped in to categories including professional and personal competencies. A scoring system from 0 to 10 was employed for consistent and measurable assessments. Each candidate's profile was mapped onto a multidimensional vector space, with ANN used to classify and idate as "suitable" or "unsuitable" based on their overall score. To validate the approach, the algorithm was tested on simulated candidate data, demonstrating high classification accuracy. A practical implementation example is provided, detailing how the model can predict the suitability of candidates by processing their input vectors. The findings underscore the efficacy of using ANN for personnel evaluation, providing a scalable solution to optimize team composition. The system's adaptability allows for adjustments in criteria weightage based on specific organizational needs, making it a versatile tool for human resource management.
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