This article focuses on the transformation of marketing foundations for the development of confectionery enterprises in the context of contemporary economic challenges and changing consumer preferences. It emphasizes the growing importance of marketing as a tool to enhance the competitiveness and efficiency of enterprises within the confectionery industry. Modern market conditions are characterized by heightened competition, increasing demand for healthier products, and shifts in consumer priorities toward affordable and high-quality goods. These trends are particularly pronounced in countries experiencing economic crises, such as Ukraine, where declining purchasing power has forced consumers to either opt for cheaper products without reducing consumption volumes or purchase confectionery in smaller quantities. The study underscores the need for flexible marketing strategies that align with global trends, including a transition from the traditional 4P marketing concept, centered on the product, to the more consumer-oriented 4C concept. This shift allows enterprises to better meet customer needs, foster two-way communication, and create added value by focusing on customer convenience, cost, communication, and consumer needs. The article elaborates on the implications of this transformation for market segmentation, highlighting the increased importance of personalized approaches in identifying and addressing specific consumer groups. Additionally, the article explores the impact of this marketing evolution on branding and positioning strategies. These now prioritize consumer engagement and expectations for quality, affordability, and sustainability. By integrating the principles of the 4C concept, confectionery producers can enhance their competitive advantage and adapt to rapidly changing market dynamics. This analysis serves as a foundation for practical recommendations aimed at improving the adaptability and effectiveness of enterprises in the confectionery industry through the application of contemporary marketing approaches. The recommendations focus on optimizing product offerings, pricing, and communication strategies to better align with evolving consumer demands and market conditions.
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