The article focuses on the analysis of the concept of sustainable development and its regulatory framework as key components of the organizational and economic mechanism for sustainable enterprise development. The study emphasizes that integrating sustainable development principles into enterprise management strategies ensures harmonious interaction among economic, environmental, and social interests. This creates preconditions for long-term growth, enhanced competitiveness, and strengthened resilience of enterprises in a dynamic environment. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of modern approaches to defining the essence of sustainable development presented in scientific literature. Various perspectives on interpreting the concept are examined, serving as the basis for developing recommendations for creating an effective enterprise management system under constantly changing external conditions. The article identifies the key aspects of sustainable development, including economic, environmental, and social dimensions, which are interdependent and require a comprehensive implementation approach. The significance of the regulatory framework as the foundation for implementing the concept of sustainable development is particularly highlighted. The article emphasizes that legal and regulatory mechanisms provide the necessary conditions for introducing innovative approaches to enterprise management, rational resource utilization, minimizing environmental risks, and strengthening social responsibility. The role of global sustainable development goals is underscored, aimed at ensuring a sustainable future through the integration of international standards and principles at the national and local levels. The study provides a detailed examination of the components of the regulatory framework for sustainable development at the national level. Key aspects of adapting general sustainable development principles to the realities of the domestic business environment are analyzed. It is determined that Ukraine's regulatory framework includes a range of standards, voluntary initiatives, and practices aimed at supporting businesses in implementing sustainable development. In particular, the mechanisms for integrating sustainable development principles into management processes are highlighted, enabling enterprises to adapt to the challenges of the modern market. The article characterizes the principles of sustainable enterprise development, including economic efficiency, environmental responsibility, social equity, transparency and accountability, rational resource use, innovation, and adaptability. The practical aspects of applying these principles are considered, particularly in optimizing production processes, reducing costs, enhancing investment attractiveness, strengthening companies’ reputations, and improving their market positions.In conclusion, the implementation of sustainable development principles allows enterprises not only to achieve economic benefits but also to meet the needs of society and the environment. This contributes to harmonizing economic activities with environmental needs, increasing the resilience of enterprises to market changes, reducing risks in crisis situations, and forming a long-term image of socially responsible business entities.
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