Keywords: tourist infrastructure, collective accommodation establishments, loading, capacity of accommodation establishments, investments, post-war reconstruction, economic development


The directions and trends of development of collective accommodation facilities in the Dnipropetrovsk region, which are an important indicator of the state of the tourism industry in the region, are considered. The results of the activities of collective accommodation facilities, in particular the demand for their services, the level of occupancy and the dynamics of development, are analyzed. The effectiveness of investments in the “Temporary Accommodation” sector and their impact on the volumes of services sold are assessed. A significant correlation between general regional investments and the development of the tourism industry (correlation coefficient 0,743) is revealed, which emphasizes their important contribution to the formation of the economic base of the region. However, specific investments in the “Temporary Accommodation” sector have a weak correlation with income indicators (correlation coefficient 0,0002), which indicates a low direct impact of such investments on the development of the industry. This may be a consequence of insufficient investment volumes or longer terms for the manifestation of their effectiveness. The need for diversification of services aimed at meeting the modern needs of tourists is substantiated, in particular through the implementation of programs for the physical and mental recovery of clients. The importance of developing specialized services, such as health programs, physiotherapy, meditation, art therapy, yoga, psychological trainings and other activities aimed at supporting the health and psychological balance of tourists, is emphasized. Such services can help attract new clients and ensure the competitiveness of accommodation establishments in the difficult post-war period. The importance of state support through a stimulating investment policy, the creation of hotel business development funds, the introduction of preferential lending conditions for the modernization of establishments and the development of partnerships between the public and private sectors is emphasized. The integration of international experience is recommended to increase the efficiency of the tourism industry, in particular in the organization of recreational and health programs. It is concluded that the effectiveness of collective accommodation facilities depends on a harmonious combination of regional and targeted investments in tourism infrastructure, which will allow achieving sustainable growth of the tourism industry and the economy of the region as a whole. The article focuses on the need to adapt tourism services to new challenges, ensuring a comfortable stay for tourists and supporting their health.


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