The article examines the prospects for the implementation of the Smart Village concept as a priority area for the development of rural infrastructure in Ukraine in the context of post-war period. The problems of implementation of smart village projects based on sustainable development are analyzed. The factors that form the basis of the integrative model of a smart village are proposed, and it is proved that the concept of a smart village should be defined as complex (since it is aimed at various spheres: economic, environmental, social, etc.) and at the same time individual, since it is aimed at solving specific problems of a particular territory. The authors highlighted the regulatory and legal prerequisites for the implementation of the "Smart Village" concept and proposed regulatory and legal regulation. The authors emphasizes that currently there is no specific, generally accepted definition of the "smart village" concept, and due to the fact that this concept is extremely dynamic, there is a rapid development of this area. A smart village is characterized by highly efficient management and economy, high quality of life, communication and mobility, active participation of the population in community life, and a caring attitude towards the environment. The impact of the decisions implemented by the city authorities should be predictable and measurable. It can be expressed in financial equivalents (savings in the city budget, increase in tax revenues), operational performance indicators and the level of public satisfaction with the quality of life in rural areas. It is emphasized that the authorities should ensure that technologies are not implemented for the sake of technology, but to improve the quality of planning and operational processes and to increase the comfort of the urban environment.
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