Keywords: enterprise management, management, investments, innovations, investment and innovation development, conceptual provisions


The article is devoted to the generalization and further development of the theoretical-methodical and applied principles of managing the innovative development of economic entities with the use of investments for such purposes. In particular, the object of research is the process of substantiating the essential characteristics of investment and innovation development of enterprises. Essential and substantive characteristics of the concepts "investment", "innovation", "investment and innovation development of the enterprise" are summarized. The criteria for the investment and innovation development of the business entity, as well as the approaches, tools and means of managing its activation and efficiency are indicated. A conceptual system of elements of investment and innovation support for the development of enterprises has been developed. It was concluded that the investment and innovation development of the enterprise should be understood as the process of increasing the volume of business and increasing the efficiency of business and business processes due to the development / involvement and implementation of all types of innovations, primarily technological, technical and product, under the condition of proper, full-fledged and timely investment support. It was established that such a process should be systematic and comprehensive, carefully planned both from the point of view of research and development and innovation activity, and the involvement of its financial and investment support. It was established that for high-quality management and sufficient stimulation of investment and innovation development at the enterprise, a full-fledged system of investment and innovation support for business development should be formed. Its elements are resource provision; organizational and management support; marketing support; digitization of business processes. It was determined that the process of forming the investment and innovation development of the enterprise should be completed by the establishment of management coordination, the formation of resource provision, strategic and tactical development plans within the limits of investment and innovation activities focused on the investment and innovation development of the enterprise.


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