Keywords: gastronomic tourism, territory image, craft technologies, marketing companies and online promotion


The article examines theoretical and practical aspects of application of strategic directions for the development of local gastronomic tourism for formation of territory image. It was found out that gastronomic tourism as a type of travel emphasizes culture, traditions and peculiarities of the cuisine of a specific region or country. It was emphasized that the image of the territory is important for the development of gastronomic tourism due to its attractiveness for tourists, positioning in the service market, creating a unique experience, preserving traditions and cultural values, economic development of the region. Certain problems for the development of gastronomic tourism are highlighted: lack of infrastructure and marketing strategies, safety and hygiene problems, cultural barriers, seasonality and fluctuations in demand, economic availability. Successes and achievements of the world gastronomic tourism are allocated, to which we include: growth of popularity, expansion of geography, development of infrastructure, creation of new tourist products, increase of consciousness and education, economic benefits. The role of institutions of higher education, the public, state structures, professional associations in the development of local gastronomic tourism for formation of territory image is determined. Strategic directions in development of local gastronomic tourism for formation of territory image on the basis of representation of Kherson region experience are analyzed. The problem of creating strategies for the development of local gastro-tourism for formation of territory image as a conceptual document containing a vision of the future, directions of development and a target block with a number of strategic and operational goals is actualized. Important goals in this process are creation of gastronomic routes and events, maintenance of local gastronomic enterprises and restaurants, marketing campaigns and online promotions.


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