The development of corporate governance under modern conditions is connected with the globalization of the economy. It is characterized by an increase in the scale of corporations, primarily through mergers and acquisitions. The emergence of new subsidiaries within corporations requires the creation and implementation of a unified corporate policy and technologies for its implementation. However, the increase in the scale of companies, which often does not bring the expected results, due to the fact that there is no balance and unity of actions of all the organizations that are part of it to implement the strategies of corporations. For the successful functioning of corporations in modern conditions, it is first of all necessary to find adequate forms of human resources management that allow their transformation into human capital. Qualified personnel is becoming the most important factor of the corporation's strategic advantage today. The purpose of the article is to analyze and generalize modern theoretical and methodological approaches to personnel management in the corporate environment. This article is aimed at revealing the key aspects of the concept of personnel management, including defining the essence and goals of personnel management, analyzing the criteria and principles underlying it, as well as considering approaches to the implementation of this concept in the corporate environment. The article reveals the essence and content of the concept of personnel management system. The peculiarities of the personnel management system in the corporation were identified, the requirements for corporate personnel management technologies were determined. In modern conditions, a clear hierarchy is formed in large companies: the corporate management system, an important subsystem of which is the personnel management system, where, in turn, the central place is occupied by the personnel training and development subsystem. However, this process is carried out without appropriate methodological support, which is not always agreed, as a result of which the integrity of the corporate governance system is violated. The concept of personnel management represents a comprehensive approach to the organization of work with people within the organization, which combines both theoretical and practical aspects, with the aim of achieving optimal results both for the company as a whole and for each of its employees.
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