The article explores issues of increasing the efficiency of sustainable development management in the context of international integration. An important factor of sustainable development is management efficiency. The decisive role played by the effectiveness of the management of sustainable development is due to the presence of serious economic, ecological and social contradictions, which in modern conditions have reached a planetary scale. At the current stage, management of international integration processes, elimination of shortcomings of the global financial system, and a number of other issues are of the utmost importance. The main elements of managing the sustainable development of the economic system are defined. Factors that have a significant impact on the stability of the socio-economic system are analyzed. The main mechanisms that can be used to manage the sustainable development of socio-economic systems have been studied. Solving the management task includes the selection of a vector of management goals, which describes the behavior of the management object in an ideal state. Depending on the state of the socio-economic system and the selected management goals, a set of mechanisms aimed at achieving management goals is determined. The implementation of sustainable development management mechanisms involves the implementation of a system of measures of an operational and strategic nature, the result of which should be such a state of the socio-economic system that ensures the balance of economic growth and the quality of life of the population in conditions of environmental restrictions. Mechanisms for managing the sustainable development of socio-economic systems include: adaptive, anti-crisis, process, indicative, innovative. The most important element of managing the sustainable development of the socio-economic system is the assessment of sustainability, based on monitoring data of the internal and external environment, the results of the analysis of risk factors. To assess sustainability, it is possible to apply a methodology that allows the use of indicators of different types and dimensions, to rank these indicators according to the level of their influence on the sustainable development of the system, as well as to calculate a generalized index of sustainability, which allows positioning the socio-economic system in the space of similar systems.
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