This article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the dynamics of the main labour market indicators in the context of martial law. Its purpose is to clarify the consequences and challenges arising in the labour market in the context of armed conflict. The article provides a general analysis of the impact of martial law on the labour market, including its key indicators. It provides a detailed overview of the dynamics of changes in employment, unemployment and the economically active population. It also analyses the level of wages in various areas of activity, taking into account taxes, fees and inflation. This allows you to identify the impact of economic factors on the real cost of labour and the dynamics of changes in wages. Particular attention is paid to the distribution of the unemployed by gender and the workload per vacancy, depending on the category of occupation. This helps to determine the level of competition in the labour market and its effectiveness in providing employment. The article also draws attention to the changes in the structure of employees that occur under martial law. It analyses changes in the distribution of employees by industry and occupation, which may indicate a reorientation of the economy under the influence of martial law. The results of the study are based on a thorough analysis of statistical data and research conducted in Ukraine. They provide an objective picture of the impact of martial law on the labour market. The studies also point to changes in the structure of the workforce, where martial law leads to a reorientation of the economy and a shift in the distribution of workers by industry and profession. This puts additional pressure on the labour market in certain regions and industries. An analysis of the level of wages, taking into account taxes, fees and inflation, indicates a difficult economic situation arising from martial law. This can lead to a decrease in the real value of labour and a deterioration in the social situation of employees. The conclusions of the article show that martial law has a significant impact on the labour market of Ukraine. According to the analysis, the unemployment rate has increased significantly as a result of the full-scale military conflict. However, due to the high level of migration and mobilisation, unemployment was slightly reduced and levelled out.
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