The purpose of the article is to study effectiveness of introduction of cross-sectoral projects in anti-crisis management of hotel and restaurant business enterprises and process of introducing specified innovations into their activities. The role of cross-sectoral cooperation as an activity of unions of individuals and organizations of non-commercial, governmental, business and charity sectors, use of available resources related to solution of social problems and achievement of a common goal, implementation of joint tasks has been updated. Main goals of cross-sectoral partnerships are defined: increasing enterprise recognition through involvement of partner's channels and increas in the number of common supporters; expansion of the range of services; increasing team's potential; conducting trainings to increase team’s capacity; increasing confidence in brands. Anti-crisis management is understood as a system of management measures and decisions related to diagnosis, prevention, elimination of crisis phenomena and neutralization of the impact of the crisis in future. Anti-crisis management in hotel and restaurant business sector is also related to tourism business enterprises and is aimed at providing customers with services, accommodation, food and other products. Cross-sectoral interaction of hotel and restaurant business enterprises in conditions of COVID-2019 pandemic and modern military operations in Ukraine with enterprises of tourism business, logistics, producers of food and processing industry, creative industry, recreation, etc. plays a significant role in overcoming indicated trends in anti-crisis management. Cycle of hotel and restaurant business industry involves taking into account tourist and recreational potential and promising directions of tourism development in the regions of Ukraine, interdependence of hotel and restaurant business enterprises and tourism in formation of a marketing strategy for development of territorial units. This fact actualizes the opportunities of hotel and restaurant business enterprises to implement important tasks of anti-crisis marketing strategy.
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