• Oleh Chornyi
Keywords: economics, political science, economic policy, economic development, interdisciplinarity


Interdisciplinary study of the interaction between political science and economics is one of the most fruitful research areas in modern science. Development of theoretical frames and finding of practical solutions have strong connections with interdisciplinary theory and methodology. The purpose of the paper is analysis of specific problems related to interaction between economics and political science. The article provides an overview of the essential features associated with the development of economic policy. In the work, attention is paid to the possibility of a rationally sound model of economic development creation. Interdisciplinary links between political science and economics are also relevant to sociology and scientific research. It has been found that the study of the possibilities of interdisciplinary interaction requires intensified attention to the creation of common terminology, methodology and categorical-conceptual apparatus. In this connection, it is necessary to involve various stakeholders, such as state organizations, private business, civil society, professional associations. Wide inclusion of stakeholders will help to find a comprehensive approach to the problems of economic development. Inclusion of various stakeholders includes different social backgrounds and professional knowledge. Complex development problems have interdisciplinary dimension which manifests itself as a combination of different theories, methodology and terminology. As a prerequisite to successful development specialist must strongly rely on interdisciplinary approach. Integration of knowledge from economics and political science results in different theoretical approaches and practical solutions related to economic development, economic policy and economic strategy. To achieve complex aims government must cooperate with academic institutions in order to reach sustainable development. Thus, domestic interdisciplinary tradition must be updated in order to be competitive on a global knowledge market. Renovation of interdisciplinary theory and methodology can serve as a catalyst of scientific productivity.


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