Keywords: system-forming factors of organization development, multi-level structure, attractor, management activity, unbalanced structures, dynamically unstable systems


The article considers the theoretical aspects of the system of relations in the management of the organization. It has been established that the methodological basis of the development of the conceptual apparatus as a toolkit in management is fully implemented with the help of the general theory of systems, the theory of organization, the theory of management, and the general theory of management. Studies of multi-level relationships and many factors determining the development of management systems are becoming promising. Such an approach is important for specifying and substantiating the logic and process of system creation, which allows adapting the research model of the management system, which will help to understand how the results of the organization's activities appear, which later form a single picture, as well as the ways of the least resource costs and the greatest economic effect. It has been established that identifying areas of instability in the system of relations is possible with respect to the system-forming levels of the organization relative to the subject and the object of management. In these levels, using the laws of dialectics, relevant vertical and horizontal connections regarding the implementation of business processes are described.


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