This article is devoted to the study of factors of competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises in modern conditions. Factors were distinguished at the macro- and micro-levels; the classification of the factors of the competitiveness of enterprises is defined, as well as the set of indicators and criteria for assessing the level of competitiveness of enterprises and mechanisms of innovative potential of enterprises is analyzed. The basis of the adaptability of the competitiveness of domestic enterprises is their active innovative activity, which relates to research, production, organizational, financial and other aspects of the functioning of a modern enterprise and their innovations, which provide savings in production costs and additional profit. In increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise, factors of competitiveness play a significant role, which include the phenomena and processes of the enterprise's production and economic activity and the socio-economic life of society, which cause a change in the absolute and relative values of costs for production and sale of products, and as a result -a change in the level of competitiveness itself enterprises. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, the authors have developed a general system of private indicators for assessing the relevant factors of competitiveness. In order to take into account the influence of operational efficiency and innovative activity, market adaptability on the level of competitiveness, assessed using a single criterion indicator, it is necessary to use the integral-index method of building its model. The essence of the method is defined, which boils down to the calculation (coefficients) of the indices of operational efficiency of the enterprise, its innovativeness and adaptability, further integration (multiplication) and extraction of the root of the corresponding degree. In the process of developing a system for the formation of innovative capital, the enterprise solves tasks that require intellectualization of management, and cognitive modeling is the best answer. The basis of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise is the transformation of innovation potential into innovation capital.
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