Keywords: information policy, financial security, risks and threats, information war, national interests


The article is devoted to the study of the impact of information policy on the financial security of the state. The problem of information protection, ensuring an effective information policy in the conditions of intensification of the information war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine is actualized. It is proved that an effective information policy is able to protect the interests of citizens, business and the state in the information space, promote the development of information stability of society, counteract possible risks and threats. The calculated integrated indicator of Ukraine's financial security testified to its dangerous level and the need to increase it. In this aspect, an effective information policy that enables citizens, businesses and the state to resist the dangers and threats that may cause financial damage, identified as one of the main components of the system of financial security of the state. The hypothesis of the relationship between the level of efficiency of information policy and the level of financial security of the country was confirmed in the study by applying such methods as rationing, quantization, indicator method, methods of correlation-regression and integrated analysis. At the same time, the evaluation of the effectiveness of Ukraine's information policy was carried out on the basis of the definition of an integrated indicator, the calculation of which was based on such global indices as Press Freedom Indeх, Social Progress Index, EGDІ, Global Innovation Indeх. The conducted correlation-regression analysis showed the connection of medium closeness between the level of efficiency of information policy and the level of financial security of Ukraine. Given the active spread of misinformation in the information war, the strategic directions of information policy implementation in the context of increasing the level of financial security of Ukraine are substantiated. First of all, it is the development of a national information infrastructure capable of counteracting external and internal risks and threats, ensuring the protection of national interests, including economic ones. At the same time, the effectiveness of the measures to be implemented is possible only if they are comprehensive and systematic.


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