Keywords: policy of reducing social vulnerability of population, conceptual triad, active policy, proactive policy, vulnerable populations, mechanisms


The Relevance of research of the population social vulnerability and the policy of its reduction is due to the lack of thorough scientific works of theoretical and methodological nature. There is also a lack of applied research, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has exacerbated the problem of the population social vulnerability, which requires justification of new approaches to ensuring the stability and resilience of social systems in conditions of instability. Social vulnerability is a measure of the population's ability to withstand various risks and threats, as well as to recover quickly after their negative impact. The conceptualization of the policy of reducing the social vulnerability of the population is carried out within the framework of choosing a political doctrine (democratic socialism – for Ukraine), economic model (market socially oriented corporatist model) and financial support mechanisms (grant lending and investment). The policy of reducing the social vulnerability of the population provides for such activities of public authorities aimed at social protection (active component) and creating a favorable environment for human and social development based on social justice, equality, freedom (proactive component), providing access to quality social services, opportunities demographic reproduction, training, employment, self-sufficiency. The definition of the policy of reducing the social vulnerability of the population reveals its purpose and objectives, which, in turn, allows to form a list of regulatory mechanisms. It is appropriate to combine such mechanisms by groups of normative-legal, administrative, budgetary, financial, economic, social, institutional, informational. Systematization of tools for regulating social vulnerability by active and proactive approaches outlines the variability of policy implementation, which should be focused on creating conditions for development and self-sufficiency, promoting individual self-improvement instead of collective management of social risks and excessive spending on social goals in a budget deficits and instability.


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