Keywords: tourist sphere, domestic tourism, challenges, development prospects, Russian-Ukrainian war


The article is devoted to the study of the development of the Russian-Ukrainian war for the development of tourism in Ukraine. It is substantiated that in wartime Ukraine it is time for political science to understand the development of tourism as an object and subject of the political process and as an economic attractor, to determine the state of national and regional economy and determine appropriate management decisions. Under such conditions, the tourism sector not only shapes the political ways, methods and means of tourism in the country, but causes the development (albeit indirectly) of solving some political and economic problems and functions of the state. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that it is currently characterized by the need to seek stabilization of economic and social development of society, as well as the formation of political opportunities for national action in the political process, where tourism to change the institutional structure. Research on the development of tourism is now particularly relevant in the context of the full-scale war in Ukraine and is studied in a number of scientific and practical works. The full-scale war began not so long ago, and at present there are not many publications and research on this topic. Studies show that the tourism business in Ukraine is at the stage of structural adjustment, institutional population, the formation of intra-industry, and intersectional, interregional and foreign economic relations. The tourist infrastructure is being improved, the corresponding segment of the labour market is being formed, and a new system of state regulation of tourist activity is being created. The facts of cultural crimes of the occupying forces on the territory of Ukraine and their consequences in the future are studied. The main factors influencing the socio-economic and ecological zone during the war are identified. The internal demand necessary for the normal functioning of the economy must decrease. Accurate estimates of this decline cannot be given at this time, but it is likely to be at least a third of the military level. Such a reduction is transformed into a corresponding fall in the country’s GDP. Also the key consequences for the development of the tourist sphere of Ukraine are described. The article identifies problems and prospects for the development of tourism in the war in Ukraine


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