Keywords: alternative milk, natural milk, milk and dairy market, milk substitute


The article is devoted to the study of the current state and prospects of the world market of alternative dairy products, as well as the impact of these trends on the world market of natural dairy products of animal origin. It was found that the market for plant-based products without ingredients of animal origin has been growing rapidly in recent years: there are more and more companies producing such products, increasing production volumes, increasing consumer demand. The range is gradually expanding. And this, in turn, corresponds to the achievement of the goals of sustainable development of the UN: both in terms of equal access of consumers to products and producers to conduct their business and compete in the food market. Alternatives continue to take a share of traditional products and negatively affect the dairy industry. Plant-based dairy products have nutritional benefits, including lower calories, saturated fats and sugar (lactose), and many of these products are fortified and considered equivalent or better than cow's milk products. Among young people, plant-based milk alternatives are unfortunately associated with a healthier lifestyle, and marketers are effectively spreading such misinformation. Also, according to research by Harvard scientists, the production of vegetable milk also reduces the overall «carbon footprint», because its production emits less carbon dioxide. and marketers effectively spread such misinformation. Also, according to research by Harvard scientists, the production of vegetable milk also reduces the overall "carbon footprint", because its production emits less carbon dioxide. and marketers effectively spread such misinformation. Also, according to research by Harvard scientists, the production of vegetable milk also reduces the overall "carbon footprint", because its production emits less carbon dioxide. In order to ensure fair competition and maximize consumer choice, it is necessary to create a fair regulatory framework for plant products and alternative proteins. However, it is important to remember that natural milk is a unique product, which, unlike vegetable milk, is not possible for everyone to make at home. It should be noted that in Ukraine there is no state standard for vegetable milk, ie requirements for raw materials, conditions of transportation and storage.


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