The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and methodological aspects of the analysis of exports of goods and services in the context of regional development. The structural and logical scheme of the analysis of export of goods and services is offered. Export of the Kharkiv region was assessed by geographical structure, by goods and by countries. In general, the geographical structure of export Kharkiv region shows a reorientation of commodities to EU countries. The export of services of the Kharkiv region by geographical structure and by types of economic activity is analyzed. Kharkiv region has a developed and diversified economy. There are large enterprises of mechanical engineering, agricultural and food industries, energy, developed oil and gas complex in the region. The geopolitical situation, as well as the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, have significantly contributed to changes in the directions and instruments of the region's foreign policy. Based on this, it is possible to determine the objectives of the study, which is to analyze and evaluate the exports of the Kharkiv region in order to determine priorities to ensure its competitiveness. It is determined that the export of services of the Kharkiv region is dominated by services and computer services. To ensure the efficiency of exports of services, it is necessary to pursue a policy of increasing their volume by expanding the volume of other activities, such as education, tourism and others. A SWOT-analysis of exports of the Kharkiv region was conducted. The risks of slowing down export flows and strategic directions for improving the export activity of the Kharkiv region have been identified.Kharkiv region has enough competitive advantages in the development of export of commodities: natural resource potential, high quality and competitiveness of food industry and mechanical engineering, diversification of export flows by country, adaptation to European standards and quality requirements. Foreign economic entities are the most efficient part of business, and therefore deregulation and tax leverages are an important incentive to ensure favorable conditions for export flows. Given the high intellectual capital of the region, it is important to support the development of innovation through attracting investment in research and development, the introduction of public funding. Innovative products and services will help improve the position of the region and the country at the global level and ensure the growth of exports. The imperfection of the institutional framework in the innovation sphere also affects Ukraine's ratings in the internationally competitive environment. Regulatory policy in the context of the region's exports should be comprehensive and balanced using determined instruments.
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