Keywords: digitalization, business processes, digitalization, aviation, logistics flows, blockchain, cloud services, virtual reality, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence


The article is devoted to the article investigates scientific approaches to the digital transformation of logistics processes of aviation enterprises, analyzes the main tools for implementing innovative business models in the international and domestic practice of airlines. It is proved that the implementation of digital technologies in the system of business processes of aviation enterprises affects the resulting performance indicators in general and the transformation of individual logistics business processes. An important aspect of the digital transformation of the aviation services sector is the adaptation of key business processes to ensure the flexibility of the business and its adaptation to changes in the global market. The directions of digital transformation of business processes of aviation enterprises are determined, including digitalization of processes of air movement (logistics) of passenger flows and cargoes, maintenance of aircraft, repair and restoration works, digitalization of commercial activity of airports, support and support of pilots and ground staff. The study examines the most common digital technologies that have become widespread in the logistics management process of the aviation company. Among them are biometric technologies, solutions based on blockchain technology (in order to save passenger data, flight information and financial transactions), VR (augmented reality) and AR (virtual reality), model-based engineering technologies, cloud services, technologies for processing and analysis of "big data", automation systems, 3D modeling technology, the Internet of Things, etc. Based on the analysis, the risk factors for the introduction of digital technologies in the system of logistics business processes of aviation enterprises are identified and structured. The main obstacles are: the insufficient high level of development of digital infrastructure in the field of logistics management, weak intersectoral coordination of activities to ensure the development of digital transport infrastructure, low demand for innovation in the domestic market and high competitiveness among aviation companies in international markets. Airlines, the difficulty of determining the effectiveness of digital technologies in the aviation industry. The directions and tendencies of digital transformation of logistic business processes of aviation enterprises in the conditions of turbulence and instability of the external environment are substantiated.


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