The need to develop competitive innovative products and services encourages modern organizations to search for new ways to enhance the creative abilities of their personnel. Design thinking is one of the promising tools to elaborate organizational potential in generating ideas and developing new products which satisfy customer requirements to the most extent. Over last years design thinking has been developed as a practically-oriented approach aimed at solving customer problems. Within the frame of design thinking, deep understanding of their values, reactions, experience in interaction with the company and behavioral habits serves as a basis for focused ideation, fast prototyping and testing. Although the key characteristics, main stages, tools and techniques of design thinking are well established in the literature, far less attention has been paid to the restrictions and conditions of design thinking application within organizational environment. These issues determined the purpose of the study. First, the paper considered the evolution of the term design thinking, as well as portfolio of its tools and techniques applied at different stages of design thinking process. Further, the advantages, restrictions and conditions of design thinking application were specified. Design thinking allows to achieve 1) externally oriented organizational goals: development of innovations, improvement of products and services in accordance with customer needs, better interaction with customers; 2) internally oriented organizational goals: development of staff experience and creative abilities, team building and enchancing a creative corporate culture. The restrictions of design thinking implementation related to its key features (focus on customer experience, fast ideation, prototyping and testing) were established. Important conditions for design thinking implementation are as follows: understanding and taking into account its restrictions, introduction of a flexible format for design sessions, and formation of design teams in accordance with the experience, competencies and thinking style of their participants. Thus, design thinking is a useful approach for development of customer-oriented innovative solutions, although it should not be considered as a universal tool for solving all organizational problems.
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