Keywords: globalization, partnership, strategic partnership, digital strategic partnership


In modern conditions of a transformational economy, the processes of forming partnerships are especially relevant, based on the construction of the concept of digital strategic partnership, which opens up new competitive opportunities in the search for rational behavior of economic microsystems. The article identifies three main stages of globalization and the place of digitalization of all processes of social life. The studied features of the development of digital strategic partnerships made it possible to highlight the prerequisites for creating digital strategic partnerships and the main factors influencing their development: economic, political, social, technical and cultural factors. The controversy of scientific views on the definition of the essence of the concept of "strategic partnership" is considered, two main approaches to the definition of the essence of the concept of "strategic partnership" are highlighted - according to the goals of creation and levels of economic relations. According to the goal of creating strategic partnerships, it identifies such classification features as: partnership as an agreement, partnership as a model of competition, partnership as a relational model, partnership as an international alliance of enterprises. According to the levels of economic development, strategic partnerships are distinguished at the macro level, at the meso level and at the micro level. The author presents the definition of the term "Digital Strategic Partnership" as a set of parties (enterprises) to achieve a certain strategic goal, in particular to increase efficiency, which implies the creation of a common system of values and processes based on the use of resources. and partner competencies based on a single digital platform for business organizations. The basic concepts that reveal the essence of digital strategic partnership are revealed - cooperation, agreement, interaction, integration, partnership, strategy. In the new digital economy, digital strategic partnerships enable businesses to gain new competency benefits by gaining a single, open information network of access to partner resources, including markets, technology, capital, and human resources.


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