The article is devoted to the study of the current state and prerequisites for the development of management consulting as a component of professional, scientific and technical activities of Ukraine. The essence and functions of professional management consulting in the structure of NACE-2010 are revealed. According to static data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the dynamics and structure of development of the field of professional, scientific and technical activities of Ukraine during 2012-2020 were studied. The slowdown in economic growth in 2020 has been revealed in both the industry as a whole and management consulting services caused by the economic crisis caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic. According to the structure of business entities of the studied industry, there are business entities with the status of individual entrepreneurs. Difficulties have been identified in determining the importance of management consulting in the national economy, due to the lack of statistical information on the parameters and performance of management consultants. A clear synchronization in the dynamics of the studied market parameters of the development of the industry is a component of professional, scientific and technical activities of Ukraine and management consulting. The dialectical system connection of the development of the field of professional, scientific and technical activity and the market of management consulting services is proved. Modern management consulting is revealed as a leading infrastructural institute of economy, where intellectual products are created, which contribute to the qualitative improvement of the activity of socio-economic subjects at the micro and macro level. The innovative orientation of the national economy as a prerequisite for the spread and effective development of management consulting in Ukraine is substantiated. Stimulating and disincentive factors for the development of management consulting in the national economy are argued. Prospects for the development of management consulting in the national economy under conditions of stabilization, the formation of a favorable foreign economic environment, as well as the Government's actions to continue the implementation of measures to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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