The main aspects of the essence of digitalization processes in the national economy and in particular in the agro-industrial complex is considered in the article. The vector of the study is focused on taking into account the principles of sustainability in the development of strategies for digitization of the agro-industrial complex and the risks associated with the onset of the pandemic of coronavirus disease COVID 19 caused by SARS-CoV-2. The digital transformation of society and all sectors of the economy is manifested in the transition from the industrial period and analog technologies to the era of knowledge, creativity and innovation. Today, digital technologies are implemented as part of business processes, their application reduces costs, increases productivity and efficiency of management decisions. The main goals of digital development for the state are to accelerate economic growth and opportunity to attract investment; development of economic sectors on the principles of competitiveness and efficiency; digital modernization of industry; development of the digital industry; accessibility to the population of the benefits of the digital world. Achieving the goals of the concept of digital economy development requires the development of a roadmap for digital transformation as a medium-term measure plan in part of digital transformations. The map should detail specific actions and periodization regarding the introduction of the latest information technologies, management changes. Digitalization in the field of agro-industrial complex is due to modern trends, namely the development of vertically integrated holding structures, integration of global markets, division of markets into upstream and downstream, creation of digital marketplaces, logistics chains, environmental responsibility of business, social responsibility, use achievements of science. The digital economy orients the sphere of agro-industrial complex to the development of digital agriculture and digital animal husbandry, digitalization of rural infrastructure. The development of digitization strategies in the agro-industrial sectors is not considered as a monoprocess, this activity requires a comprehensive approach and involves a number of actions: changing business models, business processes, production processes. The implementation of digitization strategies in the agro-industrial complex will allow to achieve economic, social, environmental effects and realize a number of sustainable development goals.
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