The concept of global investments has been characterized through diverse approaches in different classical and neoclassical schools of thought. As of today, the most common concepts in understanding global capital flow altogether and global investments as its part needs an urgent update. Due to a major shift in the communication patterns, the generation gap between the now retiring Baby boomers and Gen X and the newcomers Gen Y and Gen Z and their values being the main driver of change, as well as the most rapid digital transformation the world has ever seen, the theoretical groundwork to understanding the global capital flow and investments needs to be revised. This article aims to analyse the fundamental theoretical work on genesis of the term investment in the global capital flow. The author guides through the brief history of the evolution of investment and gives an overview of the most prominent concepts of the movement and regulation of foreign direct investments throughout the Ukrainian and global economic thought. The article considers different approaches and methods that have been applied to understand investments in its traditional meaning, as well as the reasons to existing of several approaches. The main five hypothesis are mentioned, which are believed to classify the motion and regulation of the global capital flow. The main components and functions of the global capital market are summarized and such categories as the depth of the capital market are explained. The article points to the problem of the asymmetry and biases inside the capital market. The author explains reasons for development of novice ideas in the economic thought due to an urgent need of redesigning economic processes based on the self-identification of an individual and their internal motives for economic decision-making. The current trend of implementing social responsibilities throughout the investment process is also mentioned in the publication. The article gives a prognosis of the future transformations and adaptations of the global capital flow due to the change in generations to the merit of digitalization and inclusiveness, as well as gender balance.
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