Keywords: personal development, professional development, management concepts, values


The article searches for effective factors influencing the personal development of managers in the ideological crisis of sustainable management concepts. Today we have to state that in the conditions of extremely rapid civilizational changes most of the management concepts quickly devalue and degenerate. Fewer and fewer concepts follow from long-term patterns, more and more ideas are born situationally, quickly and irrevocably fade in the vortex of transformation of the interests of society. The study found that the life cycle of the effects of training conducted by different business schools, on average, lasts to 4 months. The study summarizes the position of the leaders of the studied organizations on the most important factors of personal and professional development. Factors of longer action were the signs of internal transformations of the individual in the context of moral and spiritual qualities. Situational methods of initiating personal and professional growth have a short-term effect and, in most cases, cause internal resistance from employees. Rapidly changing conditions of functioning of business structures, transformation of social values in the conditions of the strengthened pragmatization of existence lead to incessant search of effective tools, vectors of personal development of managers of all levels of management. In the conditions of the prevailing consumerism and the dictates of the monetary and financial consciousness, it is very difficult to set the right vectors of personal development from the very beginning of professional activity in the business environment. Interesting names of personal development trainings (such as "life coaching") are very common and numerous, but still have lower efficiency against the background of information diversity. It is logical that there are phenomena of information intoxication, resistance to obsessive positions "need to develop", "need to implement". It was found that the factors of long-term influence on the personal and professional development of the manager are: a high degree of responsibility inherent in the individual (hereditary + as an educational result), a sense of inner satisfaction from solving more complex problems; good faith; cohesion; friendly working environment; complicity, loyalty and traditions; involvement; mentoring as an internal need (in the division of professional experience, in obtaining additional recognition and respect), the satisfaction of gaining experience in solving difficult situations; the need for care and responsibility for one's own family, team. All these factors cannot be brought up or forced to adhere to appropriate principles. They can only be noticed, developed, supported, motivated, and most importantly – put them as cornerstones in the guidelines of personal and professional development of the individual.


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