Keywords: business structure, scientific laws, structure-forming principles, system-forming principles, process-forming principles, management methodology


The article is devoted to the study of scientific and methodological foundations of enterprise integration and the formation of business structures in today's globalized space. The economic laws and scientific principles formed by domestic and foreign scientists, which are used to manage a modern enterprise, are studied. Systematized economic laws, which include: the law of compliance with the development of production relations and the level of productive forces; the law of value and the law of supply and demand; the law of the creation of monopolies by the concentration of production, which create the basis for the formation of business structures. The methodological principles of integration of enterprises and formation of business structures are singled out, which are proposed to be systematized into three categories: system-forming, structure-forming, process-forming. The system-forming principles that help to form the business structure as a whole complex object include the following principles: organized self-organization; systematicity; consent; relativity; universality of the system; self-development; functional integration; synergism; determinism; voluntariness; legitimacy; adequacy. The principles that help to form the organizational structure of the business structure (structure-forming principles) include: organizational integrity; complexity; decentralization; multifaceted; network organization of production and distribution of products; isomorphism; timeliness; consistency of interests; leadership. Process-forming principles that help to effectively implement the process of enterprise integration include the following principles: adaptability; emergence; interaction with the external environment; efficiency; economic feasibility; progressivity; selectivity; diversification; corporatism; monitoring. It is proved that in the process of enterprise integration and formation of business structures the implementation of one or another principle of integration should be carried out in coordination with other principles.


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