Keywords: personnel management, medical sector, life learning, human resources, mentoring


For today effective personnel management is the key to the successful functioning of any organization. Particular attention should be paid to non-productive areas – the medical sector. The personnel management system in this case is imperfect, because there are inefficient management tools, and human capital is not of high importance, so the question arises to study the features of effective human resource management. The article considers the components of personnel management of medical institutions, examines the problems faced by the institution during hiring a new employee and its further adaptation. Also analyzed the situation with medical staff in recent years and substantiated to choose European vector of development, namely the introduction of a system of lifelong learning and mentoring as ways to overcome negative factors. The concept of lifelong learning solves the problem of shortage of qualified specialists and includes the relationship between continuing education, training, acquiring new skills and abilities and later life. The basic principles of lifelong learning are: the relationship of physical, moral, intellectual aspects of human development at certain stages of life, the perception of the education system as a holistic and comprehensive, uniting and integrating all its levels and forms; the presence of certain stages of education, as well as various social roles played by the individual at certain stages of life; inclusion of informal and non-institutional forms of education in the education system. Mentoring as a way of organizational activity is aimed at adapting to corporate culture, accelerates the process of learning the basic skills of the profession, develops the ability to independently perform functions in a particular position. Therefore, the implementation of mentoring in a medical institution has been proven to be effective. Mentoring programs are appropriate for implementation in medical institutions, as they promote better adaptation of new employees or interns, faster learning and meet the principles of the concept of lifelong learning, which is especially important for health professionals.


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