Keywords: competitiveness, organic products, competitive advantages, product competitiveness


The market for organic products in Ukraine and the world is growing every year and the policy of the European Union in recent years has been aimed at promoting the principles of sustainable development, in which the production of organic products is the key for preserving the planet and public health. Ukrainian manufacturers are gradually strengthening their position in both domestic and international markets. Each year the number of manufacturers and operators of organic production is increasing. Ukrainian organic produce is extremely popular among consumers in the EU, though there is a growing interest in Ukraine as well. The study has concluded that organic products have a greater amount of nutrients and vitamins and are beneficial for human health. The development of organic production and increased interest of the population creates a healthy competition in the industry and determines the search for methods to ensure the competitiveness of goods produced. The objective of the study is to identify the role of competitive advantages in the system of ensuring the competitiveness of organic produce. Competitive advantages play an essential role in the system of ensuring the competitiveness of organic produce. It has been established that the competitiveness of organic produce is the ability of an enterprise to provide consumer demand for its own products by improving their quality characteristics and properties. The study is centered on the aspects of shaping the competitive advantages of organic products and ensuring their competitiveness. Scientific papers of economists on the competitiveness, competitive advantages and development of organic production in Ukraine have been analyzed. While carrying out the analysis of existing approaches to the classification of competitive advantages, it was found that several methods exist. The most profoundly detailed is the subdivision into internal and external competitive advantages. Organic products as well as those produced in the traditional way of agricultural farming has its own particularities, and competitive advantages should include: quality of products, territorial size of the enterprise, availability of a resource base, implementation of innovative technologies and the search for ecologically clean packaging methods. In the course of the research it has been stated that the competitive advantages of organic produce are a component of ensuring their competitiveness.


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